Child & Family Wellbeing
“Relationships are the agents of change and the most powerful therapy is human love.”
— Dr. Bruce Perry
We believe that thriving communities are built on a foundation of healthy families, and healthy families require equitable resources and an uninterrupted sense of connection and belonging. Far too often children and families are faced with systemic racism and trauma -- barriers that obstruct emotional and physical health, safety, and security.
Futures Unbound invests in organizations that are breaking through these barriers, addressing systemic dysfunction and healing childhood trauma. We know better. We must do better.
Grantee Spotlight
“Alia is working to keep children safely with their families, not from their families.”
Children develop in healthy ways when they have safety and security provided by the love and belonging of their families. When we remove children from their families, healthy development is threatened. When children are at risk, our public response is often to compound the harm, rather than providing needed support to families and communities.
Alia is transforming systems that care for children to align with the evidence that separation from families creates lifelong predictive harm. Support is needed to ensure they are able to keep their children safe. Alia is guiding agencies across the country to make this shift. They are all our children.